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10 March 2020 - 12 March 2020
Nijmegen, Netherlands
Matchmaking @HealthValley Event 2020

As your meeting schedule will change during the booking phase, we encourage to download the ​B2Match App for iPhone or Android to have access to an up-to-date meeting schedule. 

Closed since 10 March 2020
Pathé Nijmegen Willem van Arenbergstraat 4 6515 AT Nijmegen The Netherlands
Organised by
Participants 68
Meetings 50
Netherlands 70
Finland 1
United States 1
Belgium 1
Türkiye 1
Total 74
Company 40
Other 12
Healthcare organisation 7
Authority/Government 6
Association/Agency 5
University 3
R&D Institution 1
Total 74
Profile views
Before event 1245
After event 57
Total 1302